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Found 22 result(s) |
Infected burn-wounds in local children – can you treat them?
During an international crisis management mission, you are the commander of the medical mission and thus responsible for the medical care of the allied soldiers. You do not have an explicit humanitarian mission. In the middle of the night you are called to the emergency room of the camp. There's...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Limited/ scarce resources environment -> Conflict setting
03 Dec, 2019
Resources for local civilians or reserved for emergency treatment of own?
You are a medical officer and among the first group of soldiers on an international crisis management operation. Some days after you have setup your role-2 facililty (which has an operating theatre and two ICU beds), you receive two local civilian patients who are polytraumatized. An...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Limited/ scarce resources environment -> Conflict setting
26 Jul, 2019
A human life is a human life
With almost no warning, three Medevac helicopters touch down at Camp Speicher near Tikrit, Iraq. The medical staff reservists from a unit based in Boston quickly determine the men, all Iraqis, are hurt badly. Two of the Iraqis were seen placing an IED at the side of a road. They had a car full of...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Limited/ scarce resources environment -> Conflict setting
19 Sep, 2018
1st situation "[I]magine a battalion (approximately 400 soldiers) is facing an enemy force of about 550 soldiers and that each force is equipped with comparable weaponry. After several hours of fighting, 50 soldiers in the battalion are wounded. Most of these wounds are life-threatening; in fact,...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Limited/ scarce resources environment -> Conflict setting
11 Sep, 2018
VIP treatment?
After 18 years in exile in Italy, Mohammed Zahir Shah, the last Afghan king, moved back to Kaboul to live there - without the intention of reestablishing a monarchy. Rather, he wanted to contribute to the stabilisation process of his country. As a historical figure, recognized for his integrity by...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Limited/ scarce resources environment -> Level of care under limited resources
16 Jul, 2018
Only one equipment but two patients
"One 'US soldier' and one 'Iraqi Army' (coalition) soldier present with GSW (gunshot wound) to the chest. Both have low O2 saturations. There is only enough lidocaine for local anesthesia for one patient, and only one chest tube tray. One will get a chest tube with local anesthesia, and the other...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Limited/ scarce resources environment -> Conflict setting
25 Jul, 2017
Treatment of self-inflicted injury
... combats, the military doctors must
patients to (at least) determin ...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Dual loyalty and/or mixed obligations -> Medical confidentiality
24 Jul, 2017
Pirate Shot
Ships from different nations are acting as a Task Group tackling pirates. Pirates that are captured must be prosecuted by the national authorities of the ship that arrests them and so whilst countries are keen to help they are reluctant to be left with a pirate on their ship. There is a Role 2...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Limited/ scarce resources environment -> Conflict setting
24 Jul, 2017
Humanitarian Relief
A military ship is sent to a country to provide humanitarian relief after an earthquake. lt arrives after the acute phase of the disaster and is tasked with helping the islanders reconstruct. In order to conduct the task it embarks a team of doctors skilled at humanitarian relief, and a Role 2...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Limited/ scarce resources environment -> Disaster setting
24 Jul, 2017
Maintaining Medical Neutrality in Conflict Zones
"Asher is a fourth-year medical student doing an international elective in northern Uganda. The clinic he's stationed in serves primarily the local community, and he's seen everything from routine ear infections to advanced AIDS, encephalitis, parasitic infections, and disseminated tuberculosis. ...
Articles -> Military Medical Ethics Scenarios -> Neutrality of the medical personnel
17 Jul, 2017
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