Page ID: 28
Last updated: 24 Jul, 2017
Ships from different nations are acting as a Task Group tackling pirates. Pirates that are captured must be prosecuted by the national authorities of the ship that arrests them and so whilst countries are keen to help they are reluctant to be left with a pirate on their ship. There is a Role 2 facility on a yellow ship in case of a serious casualty as there have been gun battles between allied and pirates ships. A blue ship tries to arrest some pirates and there is an exchange of fire in which a pirate is shot. The blue doctor treats the patient on board and stabilizes him so that his injuries are no longer immediately life threatening and request he be transferred to the yellow ship for further treatment. The Yellow authorities refuse. Source: Report Questions for the discussion of this scenarioWhat should the yellow or blue MO do?
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Page ID: 28
Last updated: 24 Jul, 2017
Revision: 1
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